The Redirect™ Benefits

The PHB Redirect™ uses motion to help people build emotional, mental, and physical resilience. Additionally, users will improve overall balance, coordination, posture, brain power, and emotional bandwidth.

Helps increase joy, creativity, flow.
Helps increase energy.
Helps decrease anxiety.
Helps manage stress.


FEEL YOUR FEELINGS: The PHB Redirect™ is an emotion mover and will help you reduce anxiety, fear, anger, sadness and other emotions you identify. Emotions present in the body first as physical sensations. When we are disconnected from our feelings, we are disconnected from our bodies. The Redirect™ helps rewire the mind-body connection requiring the two (mind and body) to work together. Therapists have recognized that we only need to ride a 60 to 90 second wave of emotion, feeling it and processing it without making a decision that may harm us (think: eating the thing, drinking the thing, sending the angry email) in order to decrease the odds that we will make a poor choice. 90 seconds on The PHB Redirect™ can help you build emotional resilience and assist you in making better choices.

When a person feels anxiety, stress, or a flooding of emotion, they will stand on The PHB Redirect™ and move their arms back and forth creating bi-lateral stimulation with a rhythmic side-to-side pattern making connection with each side of their body. The movement of twisting, spinning, swaying will help emotions move through the body when they get stirred up and moving within us. A body in motion stays in motion! Adding physical motion into our days on a regular basis helps prevent feelings from getting stuck inside of us, leaving us more likely to medicate, experience depression, anxiety, increased cortisol and a frequent “flight or fight” response.

We often hear “listen to your body,” but we don’t know how we do this. The Redirect™ helps connect the mind and body, increasing emotional intelligence and self-awareness. Adding motion when your body begins to process feelings physically will help you strengthen the mind-body connection and better manage every aspect of your life!

Click for more on Where We Feel Emotions in the Body

Stress Management

REDUCE ANXIETY/STRESS.  The PHB Redirect™ will increase your overall health and sense of well-being, leaving you with more pep in your step!

  • It pumps up your endorphins. Physical activity bumps up the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. The PHB Redirect™ allows you to get a quick hit to your endorphins in the middle of a chaotic day or stressful situation.

  • It reduces negative effects of stress. The PHB Redirect™ helps dissipate stress. The twisting, swaying, movements provide stress relief for your body as your body and its systems practice working together without outside distractions. This will also benefit your cardiovascular, digestive and immune systems — by helping protect your body from harmful effects of stress.

  • It allows you to stay more present. After just 5 to 10 minutes on The PHB Redirect™, you may find you have forgotten the day’s irritations and concentrated only on your body’s movements, enhancing the mind-body connection. As you begin to regularly shed your daily tensions through small bouts of movement on The PHB Redirect™, you may find that you are more able to focus on tasks at hand, while the resulting energy and optimism, helps you stay calm, clear and focused as you move through your day.

  • It improves your mood. The PHB Redirect™ generates the benefits of regular exercise increasing confidence, improving overall mood, aides in relaxation, and lowers symptoms of mild depression and anxiety. Exercise can also improve your sleep, which is often disrupted by stress, depression, and anxiety. All of these exercise benefits can ease your stress levels and give you a sense of command over your body and your life.

Productivity, Flow, Creativity, Energy, Joy

PRODUCTIVITY: Taking a 5 minute work/study break every 25 to 45 minutes has been shown to greatly increase productivity. Jumping on The PHB Redirect™ for just  3 to 5 minutes at a time will help you release energy, improve focus, and allow for greater concentration and engagement, thus boosting productivity.

FLOW: Good ideas, A-ha moments, and creative flow require a mind-body connection that is impossible to find in a cubicle, at a desk, staring blankly at a screen, or on the couch! The PHB Redirect™ unlocks creative thinking as movement helps ignite your imagination and launch you out of that stuck, stalled space that we so often find ourselves in.

The PHB Redirect™ is all about movement, which has been shown to stimulate imagination, problem solving, and creativity. Through the creation of motion using the arms, and hand gestures, the body can release old ideas/thoughts and make space allowing for new/fresh ones.

CREATIVITY: The PHB Redirect™ is basically “recess for adults”. When using the PHB Redirect™ the user is in a relaxed, open, contemplative, and overall, more expansive state of being, which equates to being more playful! If we do not allow time for play, we close down our creative channels. With the pressures of today’s world, we often leave play for the one or two weeks a year we take a vacation. The PHB Redirect™ allows for a quick recess whenever necessary.

ENERGY: It is easy to feel drained being indoors all day with limited movement. A few minutes of movement on The PHB Redirect™ will kickstart the user by boosting endorphins and leaving the user feeling energized and ready to tackle the next task of the day. Also better posture and a straight spine, keeps energy flowing!

JOY: The PHB Redirect™ is full body movement creating a neurological response increasing endorphins, as well as neurochemical hormones (endocannabinoids, dopamine, oxytocin) that make it easier to bond with other people. Strengthening your own mind-body connection means you will also be better able to connect with others to enhance your joy!

ACTIVE MEDITATION: Using The PHB Redirect™, the individual can focus on breathing, repeating a mantra, while doing rhythmic, repetitive motions. This will allow for an overall calmer state of being, centering, and ability to be present throughout the day.


CORE: A strong core stabilizes the lower back making you less likely to suffer from back pain and less susceptible to injury. The PHB Redirect™ enhances flexibility removing stress and tension from ligaments, while allowing for a greater range of motion and enhanced flexibility.

The PHB Redirect™ will strengthen the abdominal area and lower back which will improve balance and coordination. Research shows when you do core exercises, an area of the brain called the cerebellum is stimulated and this area affects overall coordination, spatial awareness, and balance. These are all areas that lose their effectiveness as we age and stop engaging in routine core work — one reason older people are more likely to fall and injure themselves.

Unfortunately, if one is overweight, or out of shape, crunches and sit-ups are not easy to do. However, with The PHB Redirect™, you can begin to build your abdominal muscles and your pelvic floor to reap all the benefits of having a strong center.

POSTURE: Standing tall, shoulders back engaging your core, focusing on your balance, while twisting and creating all types of fun motion will also help with your posture countering the time we spend with our heads down, hunched over, arms gathered closely in front of our bodies as we type or text, with limited motion. You will return to your seated position refreshed, energized, creative juices flowing, and ready to tackle the world.

FASCIA: Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber, and muscle in place. The tissue does more than provide internal structure; fascia has nerves that make it sensitive like skin and when stressed, it tightens up. It’s designed to stretch as you move. As we age we lose mobility and often range of motion… things that cause fascia to thicken and become sticky. When it dries up and tightens around muscles, it can limit mobility and cause painful knots to develop. Basically we get stuck.

The PHB Redirect™ allows a range of motions to be incorporated easily throughout the day preventing muscles from being under-utilized and isolated. Resistance stretching will help to break up fascia and can be enhanced when using The Redirect™ in conjunction with a chair, counter, in a doorway, or heavy object allowing for a more intense stretch as the user can lean into the resistance. The result is more freedom of movement and improvement in posture.

RANGE OF MOTION/BETTER MOBILITY: The PHB Redirect™ combats the aging process as the user can replicate motions used in the real world. Pulling weeds, climbing a ladder, jump-roping, reaching up to place something on a shelf are all movements that can be replicated on the Redirect. Additionally the user can pick up the board and practice moving with additional weight in their hands ensuring they do not lose their ability to lift small objects around the home/office. As noted above, core strength and coordination are also increased helping decrease the likelihood of injury.

BETTER SLEEP: The PHB Redirect™ allows the user to release any stressors from the day, so they can sleep more soundly. Also, elongating the spine through movement prepares the body for better rest.

No Limits!

Can be used as a trainer for boxing, to improve one’s golf swing, training for sports that uses lateral motions with leg strength like downhill skiing, waterskiing, wake boarding, and skateboarding. Customers keep surprising us with the incredible ways they are finding benefits from using The PHB Redirect™.

Purchase The PHB Redirect™

If you’re interested in purchasing The PHB Redirect™, please email: or DM Jennifer on Instagram @Projecthealthybody_.

The PHB Redirect™ (Patent Pending) retails for $149, shipping in the continental USA is included. We’re happy to ship to destinations outside of the USA if you are willing to cover international shipping costs.

Payment is accepted via Venmo: @whoquitshealthy


Designed for up to 350 pounds

Many overweight people want to move. They want to get out for a walk, but depending on one’s fitness level, it may not be easy to put on the right gear, lace up shoes, walk up or down hills, stairs, or navigate city streets with ease. Even the process of getting to the gym can feel overwhelming in and of itself. The PHB Redirect™ is a place to start. By simply standing on The PHB Redirect™, a person feels ease of movement as their body can start to embrace motion and loosen up stiff joints and muscles. In order to create motion on The PHB Redirect™, one must begin to engage their core, stand with their shoulders back, engage their leg muscles, and gluteal muscles — often using muscles they did not know they even had.

Is it a balance board?

No! The PHB Redirect™ is NOT a balance board! Once you are on the platform you are on! You can shift your weight and move your feet as needed!

Is it a waist trimmer?

Yes, and No! Users have remarked that their waists have gotten smaller, but that is not what The PHB Redirect™ was invented for. We know there are 12 inch plastic disks on the market for waist-trimming. Our product is 24 inches wide, made of wood, and weighs 10 pounds. We hope your waist gets smaller if that is a personal goal for you, but please know The PHB Redirect™ is going to change your life from the inside out as you connect your mind and your body!

Hasn’t this been done?

No! Trust us, we did our research! The PHB Redirect™ (Patent Pending) combines a rotating bearing designed for moving televisions, monitors, art work, and food products in a circular motion with a specially engineered, weighted disk, designed to hold human beings up to 350 pounds, so users can use this same motion to move their bodies, strengthen their emotional resilience, and enhance their overall lives! A body in motion stays in motion!

How do I get on and off The PHB Redirect™?

We suggest you watch our Youtube Channel! Once you are familiar with The PHB Redirect™, you will simply step on and off by stepping onto the edge with one foot and allowing The Redirect™ to make contact with the ground, then stepping onto the platform with your opposite foot, as seen in the video. The very first time, we suggest you step on The Redirect™ while using a doorway, kitchen counter, a heavy stool/chair, or other heavy object for additional support as demonstrated in this video. Once you are accustomed to getting on and off, you’ll be able to do it with ease!

Do you offer refunds?

We do not. We are a very small shop assembling a small quantity of these each month. We will assume you know someone with one, have watched the YouTube Channel, have seen The PHB Redirect™ on social media, or are just one of those people that likes to take a risk, and jump into amazing new things! We also understand this may not be for everyone. If you purchase this and decide it is not for you, we hope you will pass it on to a friend or loved one. That said, if there is an issue with the product we will remedy it ASAP!

What if I have had an injury in the past?

We assume you will send The PHB Redirect™ information to your healthcare professional (Physician, Physical Therapist, Acupuncturist, LMT, Etc.)  and ask them for their advice as they will be better informed to help guide you. Movement is generated from the hips up. You should be able to bend your knees slightly for stability.

Do I need to wear socks and/or shoes?

You will be standing on a flat piece of hard wood. If you plan to use The Redirect™ for over 5 minutes, we suggest you wear supportive shoes as you would for any other exercise. If you are using The Redirect™ for 5 minutes or less, you will probably not notice any issues with your feet. However, if you are prone to issues with your arches (high arches/flat feet/pronation), you will want to wear shoes with your usual support just like with any other physical exercise.

We do suggest socks if you do not want the board to get dirty as the bottom of your feet will increase the wear of your board. Some people don’t mind the extra love!

I have a hard time standing for long periods of time?

That is okay! We suggest you start with one minute at a time, using counter or heavy chair for additional support, and build from there. Go slow, and in no time, you will have a new exercise practice right in the comfort of your own home or office.

Is The PHB Redirect™ wood sealed?

No, and this is intentional. We thought we would seal it until we began investigating the process. Chemicals, waste, and the environment made us rethink this vision. We also like holding a piece of wood, a natural element, in our hands that has not been treated with additional chemicals.

But it will get dirty? Well listen, life is messy! If you step on The PHB Redirect™  with dirty shoes or dirty feet, it will get dirty! Many users have chosen to personalize The PHB Redirect™, which hides the wear and also invites inspiration! We love it! Paint, collage, stickers…see more ideas here (coming soon)!

Will The PHB Redirect™ scratch my flooring?

We have had zero reports of this to date. However, we suggest using a small kitchen rug or mat on any surface you may be worried about! You can watch this video for more on where and how to best use your PHB Redirect™.



The PHB Redirect™ Testimonials

“As a physician, the redirect has helped me regain mental clarity in a time of utter chaos in a pandemic. When I need to process or decompress, I hop on. Not only does it center you mentally, but I feel as though my core has truly strengthened and engaged with the fluid movements. My entire family uses this – its perfect for a workout, to clear and reframe your thoughts, my children also use it when they are on breaks from distance learning. The Redirect is easy to use and maintain, is ergonomic and I have experienced and increase in flexibility within my joints. This is a new generation of product – it truly encompasses mind, body and health in using it! I would HIGHLY recommend – with all the money that I have spent in the past on products and exercise equipment and trying to relieve stress – nothing compares to the way I feel after using The Redirect!”

Dr. Nina Manpreet Brar

Diplomat, American Board of Podiatric

Medicine & Surgery

Department of Podiatric Medicine & Surgery

Golden Valley Health Centers

Department of Orthopedics

“As a Life Coach I know that our bodies aren’t the only thing we need to exercise, especially in today’s world, and that’s exactly what Project Healthy Body knows and delivers with it’s amazing Redirect. If you’re looking for a compact yet highly effective piece of equipment that’s easy to hop on and that quickly changes both your emotional and physical state in a short period of time, this is it. It’s my faithful companion whether using it to get in those extra daily steps and body movement or to shift emotional energy or even break a good sweat and tone the body. I love my Redirect and use it daily for a multitude of reasons; it’s both easy to use and takes up little room and no effort to jump on it an get the juices flowing. I have seen my body shape shift and my mood reset after a bout on it. I am a raving fan, avid user, and strong advocate of the Redirect and for anyone looking for a powerful tool to enhance their emotional and physical well-being with ease, this is for you!”

Nancy Carlstrom

Professional Life Coach

“This product is genius and I am so grateful! I am noticing how my mood can change quite drastically just by popping on for several minutes and am learning to love it more and more each day for stress reduction and moving my emotions. I love how it makes me feel good each time I use it. It’s very fun to use, and doesn’t get my heart rate up TOO high too quickly which is good for my migraines. I also feel more toned in my mid-section!” 

Brigitta D. ~ California

“My daughter, who is 10, jumps on it during her digital school class when she gets antsy.  She snags it from my office area.  My son, age 6, comes in my office and jumps on while he talks to me. If he sees it he jumps on it. He likes to move.  Basically we need more of them!”  Nicole T. , California

“I spend 30 minutes on it every morning. I host a dance party for my team at work. We dance our asses off from 8:30-9. I turn on the playlist hop on The Redirect and wiggle and sweat!

So, you may ask, why do I do this every day. What benefits am I getting? I smile, can’t help it, when I am wrapping up the dance. I have been able to get off antidepressants! I am a happier person! I have hope. I get energy from it.

My husband thought it was silly, and still teases me when I hop on. However, even he has noticed I am calmer, and less likely to chuck it at his head! He thanks you for that, by the way!

I love the simplicity of it. I love that it is easy to store. It gets dirty, especially with my animals who shed like crazy, but it’s easy to wipe off.

Mostly, it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than therapy and I am most definitely more receptive to it!”

Nancy B. ~ California

“It is ironic that The Redirect is spins because I use it to stop spinning. I wake up a little off-kilter almost every day and it gives me an opportunity to “just be” and then go from there. I do sometimes use it later in the day when I’m frustrated with writing or life – just depends on the day. I use it nearly every morning for about 15-20 minutes. Recently I went out of town for a few days and I really missed it, was happy to wake up and get back to it.”  Cyndy L. ~ Texas

“The biggest change I have seen is emotional. I love that I can get in movement even when circumstances prevent me from getting outside for my daily walk.  I used to be discouraged when I couldn’t get outside. The Redirect is a game changer in this regard for me. “ MaryAnn N. ~Oregon

“It’s so nice to have another option to get steps while watching tv.  It’s a great way to calm myself when my emotions are high, and it’s so EASY to do. Moving emotions  – I like using bilateral-stimulation and tapping the opposite shoulder with my opposite hand. It works!”

Amanda G. ~ Oregon

“I found that when I didn’t use it for a couple of weeks, my stress slowly started to creep in. I believe it definitely helped with stress reduction in a sort of magical way. And this may sound silly, but I think because it’s only 5 minutes at a time – it’s a perfect first habit on the road to healthy. We all need to start somewhere and I’m a firm believer in building habits – so it gave me a sense of accomplishment and feeling proud – and sometimes that’s what I need to get through the day or week – and then it gives me the ability to conquer the bigger tasks in my life.”

Patty K ~ Minnesota

“I use it in the morning, while watching news, to wake up body. Throughout the day I use for movement, stretching, extra steps, and when I get stressed I will hop on so I can think more rationally. I know when I use it I feel better. It gives me a “feel good” energy. I typically forget whatever it was I was thinking about and move on productively. “ Diana M. ~ New York

“I love the ease to just hop on it and get in some quick movement and work through emotions when I need it. I also like to take work breaks and spend a few minutes jamming out to a favorite song! I love the simplicity and it’s so easy to move around the house.” Whitney A. ~ Minnesota

“The Redirect is easy and requires no prep. No shoes, no problem. It feels good. So much variety with what you can do. Bilateral stimulation helps me get out of my head and find clarity and breathe. Great way to build in movement even if it’s only one minute at a time!” 

Lyndsey W. ~ Pennsylvania

“The Redirect works! I do notice a difference especially if I do it regularly. I like that it is easy to transport and has other uses such as stretching and core work. I also use it when feeling overwhelmed at work, or with any stressful situation at home. Also very helpful before bedtime to help relax.”

Catherine W. Rhode Island

“I use it in mini-bursts throughout the day — when my coffee is brewing, in between meetings, when something is in the oven, and when my Fitbit pings that I need more steps. I will step on if I am feeling anxious or bored, too.

 I use it for lots of reasons — steps for sure, but also stress reduction, to get out of my head (and not think), to reset my energy, to have fun (sometimes I just do full spins and get a little vestibular stimulation), and active meditation (sometimes I just get on there and chant, “I love myself”).

 I love that it is so accessible — I can be wearing whatever and can just step on it and go. It’s easy and fun to use, and I can see using it with the same ease when I was a lot heavier. I like that fact — that you don’t have to be fit to use it and move your body! “

 Bethe A., Washington D.C.

“I have enjoyed using The Redirect and have footprints on my board to attest to it’s use! The motion from this device is unlike anything I’ve done before. I believe it’s helped me stay calmer and more present than I would’ve been had I not had this while working through issues with my therapist or when feeling anxious. It helps me stay present as I am able to focus my thoughts on what’s happening in that moment. “  

Sharla V., Oregon 

“It’s a great way to start my day. I’ve made a habit of doing affirmations on The Redirect and am up to 15 minutes! Like everything else consistency is key and I am loving this calming practice. I also love the simplicity of it. I love that it’s easy to store away. I like that I can use it in my living space versus having to go into a basement for something like a treadmill or an elliptical.  It’s wonderful that you can use it in different ways for weight bearing exercises too. Also, it’s not like I have to go anywhere or carve out hours of my day. I am free to set my own programs. Only have 10 minutes, hop on, or if I want to do a 45 minute workout, its great for that too.” –JoAnne B., New York 

These are some of the things I love about my Redirect:

  • Helps me get 10,000 steps a day

  • Is portable and compact, easily stows away

  • Can be used for a few minutes or for a longer session

  • Gets my blood moving

  • Is low-impact. Walking a lot causes stress on my ankles and sometimes knees, but with The Redirect I can get steps without that pain

  • Is a good break when I’ve been sitting for awhile

  • Makes me feel good after just a few minutes on it

  • Makes me feel less guilty about watching TV because I can get good movement while watching

  • Helps me relieve stress and adjust my attitude 

  • Has made my core stronger

  • I can bend over with much less effort and retrieve things

  • Has no plastic!

Debbie B. ~Oregon