Who Quits Healthy?
Jen L.
Meet Jen! Down 75 lbs, 60 inches, Healthy BMI & tossed her scale in the trash! In her own words!
Why did you sign up for PHB?🥝
Two words…Rock Bottom. Sitting in my hotel room in Houston, I was 2 or 3 deep in the cupcakes that I had bought for myself when I bought the “client treats”. Washing them down with coffee at 7pm. Seriously?! Who did I think I was effing kidding?! Myself, my family, my friends? The cupcakes were gluten free & that made all the difference didn’t it? I had no dinner that night. Let me rephrase that, I had no whole real foods, probably none that day. I ate VERY little on an average day but would binge like there was no tomorrow. I was so tired of hiding from the reality that I was a fat, unhealthy mess both physically and mentally.
How has your life changed?🥝
I stopped chasing SKINNY & I am now the healthy person of my DREAMS! I practice self-love & self-care. I move my body EVERY day. I eat the rainbow following the PHB formula at EVERY meal. I no longer define my self worth by the number on the BLOODY scale. As a matter of fact-I no longer own a scale! We broke up. It was BRILLIANT!
What makes PHB different?🥝
PHB is not a diet & it’s not about weight or size. It’s a journey to your truest & healthiest self. One in which you forgive, love & care for yourself even when-no, especially when it is HARD. It is about bio-individuality & adopting a growth mindset in which ANYTHING is possible. It’s about no longer outsourcing your health & doubling down on exposing the story you tell yourself to stay stuck & small. It is about a community of support where you can see & be seen & be called on your BS when you need it. (Thanks Jennifer😂)
What does being a healthy person mean to you?🥝
As a healthy person with healthy habits, I strive everyday to live my most AUTHENTIC life. I eat to live rather than live to eat. I stay curious. It’s a process that requires me to stay engaged & off auto-pilot. Being a healthy person has also helped me step into my purpose. I am working towards becoming a Health Coach just like my mentor, Jennifer. I love & care for my body & it’s ONE precious life as the GIFT that it is. #whoquitshealthy 🥝
Danielle R.
Danielle in her own words: 🥝Why did you sign up for PHB?
I was tired of living in the binge-shame-restrict-more shame cycle. I spent years on a rollercoaster ride of dieting & restricting & I didn’t want that for myself anymore, but I also didn’t know how to stop. Reading Jennifer’s story on her website had me curious and after talking with her I knew she had the roadmap to healthy – though at the time I didn’t understand what that meant. As a mom, I had gotten to my most unhealthy self, putting everyone else before me. I wanted my son to have a healthy mom and to be raised in a healthy home – setting him up for success as he grows. I also knew that I was destined for a life that wasn’t constantly a struggle – waking up each day telling myself it would somehow be different.
🥝How has your life changed?
Every aspect of my life has changed! My day-to-day habits have been transformed. My self-talk has transformed. Instead of being the friend who complains with you, I strive to lift up others and listen when they talk. My life is no longer dictated by the number on the scale! We are the lagging results of our actions & I know without a doubt that my journey will never be over – much different than my thoughts around losing weight in the past. There is no there there. I am no longer the martyr – putting myself last. I ask for what I need.
🥝What makes PHB different?
It is not rooted in weight loss; it is rooted in self-love & connection. The first time I heard the words, “Connection is the opposite of addiction,” I was forever changed. I had spent a lifetime trying to go it alone. We are so much stronger together. Being in community is more than celebrating successes together. It’s sharing struggles, internal breakthroughs, life changes, & not just being understood – but being SEEN. Our PHB community is the best place on the internet.
🥝What does being a healthy person mean to you?
Being healthy means not expecting perfection but recognizing & celebrating progress. It means modeling healthy behaviors for my son & everyone else around me. I approach each day with a sense of gratitude, see situations with more compassion & celebrate each & every moment.
Elise L.
Elise getting her groove back!!! This woman is fierce! 🔥The past year has been hard for all of us but @elise_lalor had hard with impossible dumped on top & she preserved! Unrelenting self-love!!!💪
🥝Why did you sign up for PHB?
I signed up for PHB for all the wrong reasons. To lose weight so I would look better. Looking back, going in with that attitude shows me just how much PHB has redefined my definition of health.
🥝How has your life changed?
My life is nothing like it was when I started PHB on many many levels. Mostly, I am now in the drivers seat. I am not doing the work for other people, to gain approval, or to fit an image. I did the work because I deserve to be the healthiest me I can be. In Mind, Body, and spirit.
🥝What makes PHB different?
Different than what? There is nothing like PHB. PHB is not a diet. THIS IS NOT A DIET (for the people in the back) PHB is learning to love yourself. Once you learn to Love yourself, you begin to take care of yourself. If you could, you would never allow those around you that you love to be unhealthy. But only through true authentic self-love can we treat our bodies with the respect and reverence it deserves. You deserve to treat yourself well. No one else will ever treat you as well as you can treat yourself. Be your own advocate.
🥝What does being a healthy person mean to you?
Freedom. Freedom to have the confidence to make my own choices, freedom to love the way I want to love, and freedom to expect the same from others. This isn’t a diet, but once you know how to love yourself, and you learn nutrition, what your body needs, and that your body deserves to be nourished in whole healthy foods, you have freedom.
Did I mention I named my new puppy kiwi? Thanks PHB.
I have learned so much from this incredible woman and I am grateful she has been coachable and dedicated to her health practice through some very trying times. She never quit on herself, she simply fell to the level of her systems and each day repeated what she knew worked, even on...especially on...the hard days and this woman has had more than her fair share of hard days this past year and a half. PROUD!!
Holly T.
Down 47 lbs & 36 inches - Holly T. in her own words!
🥝Why did you sign up for PHB?
I had done so much for my family & my parents over the last several years, but I kept putting off the work I needed do on myself.
🥝How has your life changed?
I was raised to believe that my worth was dictated by service to others. I had the right job, successfully cared for my family & I believed I was overweight because that’s just who I was. My education/success in other areas made up for my unhealthy choices. When I joined PHB I dug into healthy eating & movement right away. I lost weight & honestly that has been the easy part for me. The hard part has been finding my authentic self & staying present with my feelings. I have been uncovering my past scripts, habits & feelings. I am finding my light. I care for MYSELF for the first time. I set intentions & I follow through. I speak up. I put myself first. I am learning everyday & that feels amazing. I would never choose to be anyone but me right now. I delight in the idea that tomorrow will bring me deeper into my authentic self & that I will be continually evolving.
🥝What makes PHB different?
PHB is not a diet. I did that & failed to love myself whether I lost weight or not. PHB is a journey to you. A journey that has no end because "there is no there there." PHB helps you make small changes & develop sustainable habits. Little by little. You are guided on a health odyssey & asked to feel your feelings. You are held accountable. You are loved & supported by the entire PHB Community & it is hard work, but we can all do hard things & the reward is my health.
🥝What does being a healthy person mean to you?
I had the great privilege of being in PHB when the pandemic began. Being healthy means I have showed up for me everyday. I drink my green drink, eat the formula, move, practice mindfulness, & hydrate. Sometimes I fall off my bike but each time return stronger. Being a Healthy Person means I feel my feelings, set boundaries, listen. I am LIVING my life now thanks to Jennifer, PHB & my amazing Coach @projecthealthygretchen I am Healthy Holly!💪
Progress IS Perfection.
Bethe 18 months in PHB & a Pandemic: down 95 lbs & 58 inches!
🥝Why did you sign up for PHB? I was finally ready to stop focusing on weight and take my health seriously. When the pandemic hit I knew that being obese put me at a greater risk, that scared me. I was sick of getting in my own way, I was DONE and ready to get honest with myself, change my life.
🥝How has your life changed? Holy shit – in SO many ways! I feel so good inside & out. I move with more ease and have confidence that my body can do what I want it to do. I have less pain, my moods are much more even, I handle stress better, I have a better attitude and outlook on life. My energy is through the roof, I sleep better, and I am really excited about life in a way I haven’t felt before. There really is NOTHING like being healthy, and if it is something you have truly never been before, you have no idea about how amazing you can feel. How could you!
🥝What makes PHB different? So many things! Primarily I would say it’s the holistic approach to health -your role as the CEO of your health that really sets it apart. PHB teaches you about the building blocks of true health-proper nutrition with real food, hydration, and movement – but it also addresses the other key components including emotions and emotional well-being, your environment, your habits, and other ancillary topics that all combine to help you create a healthy life. All of it is rooted in three core things: science, love, and community. Like anything, you will get out of it what you put into it – so get in there & give it your all!
🥝What does being a healthy person mean to you? EVERYTHING! I have never been healthy before so I had no context at all and have been blown away by how good I can feel, how much sweeter life is. This work is an inside out job, and I feel so incredible inside and THAT is what shows on the outside. Being a healthy person means that I can show up in my life every day as the best version of myself and that I can dream new dreams and brave new paths. It also means that while I get to be present in the now and love today that I know it’s just going to keep getting better. I am grateful beyond measure.🙏❤️
Mindy is down 35 lbs & 29 inches in year 2 of a global pandemic!🔥
🥝Why did you sign up for PHB? It was a roller coaster of excess then restriction. My mood, demeanor & behavior were all suffering. I did not recognize my feelings & put everyone else first. My self-confidence was waning & with disturbing bloodwork, body image issues & mood swings the trajectory clear.
🥝How has your life changed? Everything has changed-physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally! I make sure my needs are met before focusing on others. I approach everything with, “What would a healthy person do?” I no longer live with an all-or-nothing mentality. I eat & drink SOME of everything if I want & when I make less-healthy choices, I reset with healthy ones; A deep breath, a walk, some fresh air, a good night’s sleep, a glass of water. This is who I am. I used to think I needed a gym membership, a pantry filled with fancy whatevers, a new diet, a new journal, a new plan! I now keep my promises to ME, without needing anyone else’s approval. I live with gratitude & keep myself grounded by taking the pause. I am happy, positive, hopeful, at peace!
🥝What makes PHB different? You gain a lot in PHB. Sure, you lose weight, but you gain so much more- emotional growth & introspection, self-love, inner peace, a gratitude practice & tools to live in the present, ancommunity of women who have your back & see you every step of the way. Not much of PHB is about food, rather behaviors, mind-body connection, our thoughts. Jennifer simplifies the food & then guides you thru the harder parts; the why & the how. I now know I am the only person responsible for my health & happiness, it’s pretty simple, I show myself love by caring for me.
🥝What does being a healthy person mean to you? It is approaching each moment with gratitude, enthusiasm, joy & courage. Intentional engagement in my work, personal interests & relationships. It means feeling physically & mentally able to engage in anything I put my mind to. It is knowing when to say yes & when to say no. It is listening to my inner voice & focusing on the things I can actually control. It’s sharing the best version of myself with the world.
Progress IS perfection” This motto has changed the way I think about most things. As I learned about whole real foods & cleaned up my body I began noticing small changes. The cravings for sugar stopped & I was able to walk one mile without having to stop. It wasn’t until this past April that I noticed the debilitating migraines had stopped. The emotional work has produced a tremendous life change for me. I’ve learned that I am enough! I don’t need to perform or have the approval of anyone except myself.
In the middle of a Pandemic I receive this text:
“Hi Jennifer -
You’ve been on my mind a lot lately. I was thinking how life would have been for me during this pandemic last year before PHB. I’m fairly certain my health would have been so bad I wouldn’t have been able to fight off the common cold let alone freaking Covid19. BUT I am stronger. I consistently walk 10,000 steps a day. I make healthy food choices. I practice self-care NOT self harm. And lost 80 lbs in the mean time. Life is hard right now but I’m so grateful that I have the tool to do hard. Thank you Jennifer. Thank you for fighting the tough fights. Thank you for “having me” till I could have myself. Hang strong. Love from ATL ❤️”
Linda is down 80 pounds and 52.5 inches! Not even a Pandemic is going to keep her from being a Healthy Person!!! Who Quits Healthy? Not Linda 🥝
I cannot say enough about my experience with Project Healthy Body! I had been a career dieter through my later teen years and adulthood. I made the decision that 2018 was going to be my year, and that I had to do something different in order to get a different result.
I knew that I needed to understand the emotional side of things. After following Jennifer and PHB on Instagram for several years, I decided to reach out. I am beyond thankful that I contacted her and joined PHB. It has been life changing.
Tamy is down 25 pounds & 30 inches
Keep going, you can’t mess this up!
Holly V.
Progress IS Perfection.
🥝Why did you sign up for PHB?
Many of us refer to the Why now question as to … Why do I want to do this work? What was my rock bottom or my line in the sand?... I know for me my WHY, my rock bottom, my line in the sand was the mental and emotional pain I had been in and covering up my whole life. My pain, my depression, my anxiety, my grief, sadness, anger, my inability to get out of bed each day, and the lack of desire to live were enough. I needed help and I wanted help!
🥝How has your life changed
Through the beginning stages of my work within Project Healthy Body, I could see and feel the way I viewed myself and I saw my life shift. I was slowly reframing so many things, so many parts of myself and my life. I have this incredible body that is not sick, that can move, that can feel, that wants to work for me and with me… So I continued and to this day I continue to learn and educate myself on how and why we must not only take care of ourselves but love ourselves unconditionally.
🥝What makes PHB different
When I found PHB, this Community, I knew it was different because this works, this works for me and so many women who are struggling with not only their weight but their true sense of self love. Never have I had the ability to fall back on so many women who feel and think the same as I do. Going from thinking I had to solve all these problems by myself to Holy Shit, I have over 150 women to collectively reinforce all the feelings I feel. The day you wake up knowing you are not alone anymore is the day you know this community is like no other. PHB has given me back my freedom to FEEL the good and the bad, the freedom to say NO, the freedom to LIVE my life!
🥝What does a healthy person mean to you?
My life is a Miracle!! The realization of this has allowed me to permanently remove my head from the dark hole it liked to lock itself up in. Learning and Living as a Healthy Person enables me to continue being the best me for me and the best me for all those I desire to help.
Everything is possible
PHB Badass Changing her life
Let's put your story here

What People Are Saying
“Jennifer kicked my ass in the best way! She cares deeply about everybody’s success, understands that everybody is unique and different, and doesn’t accept excuses. In short, she understands how lasting behavior change works! I have been a psychologist, treatment provider and receiver for over three decades, and Jennifer Joffe is among the most effective change agents I have ever come across. If you have issues with your weight, your body, your health, your body esteem, get yourself to PHB. It’s a lot of work, AND, you won’t just learn how to get healthy, you’ll find a tribe of like-minded women who show up for themselves and you day after day. Simply revolutionary! ”
“This program has been life-changing for me. I immediately found success after years of "failing" to get back in shape because of the foundation of the program: progress not perfection. There are so many resources and tips and tricks that you learn - it's like you're in a class on how to live a healthy life and be your authentic self. I lost some weight and I have more to lose but I've made significant changes on the inside and healthy is an inside out process. The community support is amazing and an important part of helping one succeed. I'm so thankful that I was able to join this program.”
— Holly S.
“Not only has Jennifer changed my life, but she has also likely saved my life. She has given me the roadmap and tools to find the health and vitality that I have been seeking for, after so many years of trying and failing. Never again. This is not a diet. It is a trans-formative and full circle approach into the depth of your being. It is an awakening, a journey – and it is easily the most powerful and life-changing decision I have ever made. I am a healthy person. How do you thank a person for that?”
“PHB aims straight for the issues that really hold us back, our own lack of self-love and lack of self-care. I learned so much about myself over the time I participated and although I completed the program more than 3 months ago, I still use so much of it every day of my life. I’m a much happier, healthier, and smaller version of myself. I’m so grateful to be a member of Project Healthy Body and highly recommend it to anyone.”
-Nicole S.
““I lost a lot of things by joining the Project Healthy Body–including weight, old insecurities and nasty self talk. What I found instead was support, accountability and life changing new habits. I am grateful to Jennifer for helping me find a healthier, happier way to live. An amazing journey, one I will continue to stay on for the rest of my life!”
“It is not rooted in weight loss; it is rooted in self-love & connection. The first time I heard the words, “Connection is the opposite of addiction,” I was forever changed. I had spent a lifetime trying to go it alone. We are so much stronger together. Being in community is more than celebrating successes together. It’s sharing struggles, internal breakthroughs, life changes, & not just being understood – but being SEEN. Our PHB community is the best place on the internet.”
— Danielle R..
“My life is nothing like it was when I started PHB on many many levels. Mostly, I am now in the drivers seat. I am not doing the work for other people, to gain approval, or to fit an image. I did the work because I deserve to be the healthiest me I can be. In Mind, Body, and spirit.”
— Elise L.
“I stopped chasing SKINNY & I am now the healthy person of my DREAMS! I practice self-love & self-care. I move my body EVERY day. I eat the rainbow following the PHB formula at EVERY meal. I no longer define my self worth by the number on the BLOODY scale. As a matter of fact-I no longer own a scale! We broke up. It was BRILLIANT!”
-Jennifer L.